On Division Street


Northfield, Minnesota

Can’t wait to get to know ya on

Division Street, Division Street

Bakeries and coffee shops,

Where locals love to eavesdrop on

Division Street, Division Street

A book store and a hook store

And next to that a cookstore on

Division Street, Division Street

The Armory, the library

The Scriver building used to be

First National Bank - the site

Where Jesse James’ dreams were tanked

Hope to see you on

Division Street, Division Street

La calle Division, la calle Division
Busca un abogado

Y un bagel adecuado

En la calle Division, la calle Division

Salones de belleza

Tiendas de bicicletas

En la calle Division, la Calle Division

Hay cervecerías, florerías, librerías, y tiendas que venden antigüedades y mucho más

nos veremos en

La calle Division, la calle Division

La calle Division La calle Division

Hi! We’re Louis and Dan and the Invisible Band and we’ve put together a series of songs about downtown Northfield. As you walk around, keep an eye out for other QR codes, which will take you to songs about a famous bank, the Cannon River, a bygone hotdog shop and other notable sites. It’s all thanks to a grant from the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation.

What kind of magic makes this place so appealing?

The answer is we’ve got community feeling,

These places aren’t just spaces, cause they’re full of friendly faces

Yes the folks you’ll meet just cannot be beat

On Division Street, Division Street, Division Street, Division Street...

With gratitude to Mar Valdecantos and Dan Hernandez for their help translating our lyrics into Spanish.


Supported by a generous Artists on Main Street Grant from the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation.


Northfield Public Library