The Cannon River 2

Part of the Musical Portraits of Northfield Project.


The Cannon flows flows flows

And where it goes goes goes

It matters to you and to me

The Wahpekute Dakota (Dakota, Dakota)

Indigenous to Minnesota (Minnesota, Minnesota)

Named it Inyan Bosndata (Inyan Bosndata)

That means “Standing Rock” (Standing Rock)

The water was the power (the power, the power)

For mills to grind the flour (the flour, the flour)

16 barrels an hour (16 barrels)

It ran ‘round the clock (‘round the clock)

The Cannon flows flows flows

And where it goes goes goes

It matters to you and to me


Supported by a generous Artists on Main Street Grant from the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation.


The Cannon River 1


Ode to Joseph Lee Heywood